Through my experiences, I healed my head, my heart, and my body, which
strengthened my spirit or self-esteem. I now feel whole and flourish
from the love and happiness I continue to find within myself. The
i-love-me™ collection is the creative expression of how and what I did
to find self-love, but the message is not just mine. It belongs to
every woman who, regardless of her race, ethnicity, social status, or religious
beliefs, has placed the needs of others before herself. Therefore,
in the spirit of my life mission to assist others, I am called to share
my experience to inspires other women to take the i-love-me™ journey to
find and love themselves.
Join me by sharing your own i-love-me™ story. Choose
to be loving, happy, yourself, and from that position of strength, you
will be free.
To submit your story, contact us at